Monday, February 29, 2016

& the coolest social media outlet award goes to... PINTEREST!

Pinterest is a site where you can share photos and use as a resource for how to conduct things from the simplest to the most complicated.

There’s a feature on pinterest where you can post boards. A pinterest board is something that you’ll pin your interest too. Your pins are pictures of your choice and interest that pertain to the category of your board.

Three boards that I follow are Natural Hair, Quotes, as well as Diy projects. These are three boards that I can look at all day long without becoming bored at all.

Pinterest is a very interesting tool, enabling use of resourceful ideas. I love pinterest!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tweetletweet and Tweetlethumb: Twitter Edition

Twitter is fun to and for me.  Aside from the enjoyment and entertainment that I get from twitter, I also find it very resourceful. If I ever need to find anything out in a hurry I can count on twitter for an update. With the click of a hashtag I can get updated on so much of what is going on.

I remember when I first started using twitter! I hated the fact that I could only use 140 characters per tweet. I’m used to it now but at least 200 words would be very convenient, lol. I created my first twitter account in 2009 and I’ve been tweeting ever since.

Jack Dorsey launched Twitter in 2006 with an intention of expanding the information that people needed to hear on a global level, well the plan most certainly worked!

I follow @CNN on twitter to stay updated on the latest news. I follow my mentor @Kamayapr because it is convenient for prospective clients to reach out to us for information pertaining to Public Relations. I also follow @hbcunews to stay updated on what’s going on at all of the HBCU’s! That is actually one of my favorite twitter accounts.

I recommend twitter for anyone simply because it’s so much you can get out of it. I think that it’s enjoyable for any and all.

Linkedin is In!

Linkedin is a professional social media network that allows for personal online networking for future careers, internships, and social gain.

This social media outlet is a great way to compliment and commend others on their work in a professional sense. It's like you can post all of your accomplishments, ideas, work and any volunteer experience, and of education.

I hope that by me creating my Linkedin site, I can gain and began to network with more students and people who have similar career path aspirations as such as myself. I would love to work with BET, VH1, MTV, etc.  I also wish for employers to see my hard work and dedication as a person as well as other skills that I possess.

The skills that one possess are essential because people you are looking to work with and under are able to see them on your account. These connections are also supposed to connect you with references that you may need, as well as colleagues.