Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Chapter 2 Discussion Questions:

1) Explain the meaning of the term visual grammar.
Visual grammar are the rules that govern the visual reconstruction of events. Ex: The visual grammar of motion picture photography.

2) List the three basic shots in motion picture photography and describe their functions.

  • Long Shots- or wide shot, provides a full view of the subject.
  • Medium Shot- brings subject matter closer to the viewer and begins to isolate it from the environment.
  • Close Up- isolates the subject entirely from its surroundings environment. 
3) Explain how the three basic shots can be joined to achieve a sense of continuity or consecutiveness in a sense.
Together in sequences the three shots in a manner roughly equivalent to how the eye works. 

4) What considerations help determine when a shot or the image size of a subject should be changed in a visual story?
Considerations that help determine when shots or image sizes should be changed are simply the different camera angles and the length of reports. 

5) Explain why it is important in film and television to have action in virtually every scene.
It's important because it's the strength of film and television. In TV news you want to make sure that movement is in every scene. 

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